On Cognitive Representation of Nonverbal and Multimodal Metaphor and Metonymy:a Case Study of a Perfume Commercial
摘要: 隐喻和转喻是思维方式和认知手段,已有足够的语言证据支撑这一论断,但相比之下,非言语隐喻、转喻的研究却受到轻视。为深化隐喻、转喻的概念本质,以香奈儿5号香水广告片为例,分析片中的概念隐喻“爱情是一场旅行”和概念转喻“香水代表爱情/爱人”如何通过视觉、嗅觉、听觉和触觉等非言语模态之间的互动建构广告意义。研究表明多模态隐喻、转喻在广告中可巧妙构筑认知与劝说的关系,提升广告的感染力。Abstract: Metaphor and metonymy are ways of thinking, and there is adequate linguistic evidence in support of this claim. However, the present research of conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy has a preference to verbal manifestations over nonverbal manifestations. This paper analyzes the nonverbal and multimodal metaphors and metonymies in the advertising movie of Chanel No 5 perfume: LOVE IS A JOURNEY and THE PERFUME STANDS FOR LOVER/LOVE, which involve the interaction of the visual mode, aural mode, olfactory mode, and tactile mode, etc. Multi-modal metaphors and metonymies contribute to the representation of the relation between cognition and persuasion in advertising.
- metaphor /
- metonymy /
- non-verbal /
- multimodal /
- advertising /
- cognition
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