ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Institutional Change and Economic Growth:A Case Study of Eastern and Western Panel Data

  • 摘要: 基于Romer模型,构建了一个带有制度约束以及人力资本约束的4部门内生增长模型,选取东西部地区各11省的省级面板数据进行实证分析。实证结果给出了制度变迁的代理变量非国有化率、对外开放以及政府干预程度对东西部地区经济增长的影响,总体看来其对经济增长都起着促进作用,但是制度变迁每个具体的代理变量也表现出了各自的差异性。


    Abstract: Based on Romer model, the paper develops a four sector endogenous growth model with the restrains of institution and human capital. Eleven eastern and western provincial panel data are selected respectively for the research. The results show that, despite of their difference, non-nationalization rate, opening up and the level of government intervention have a positive effect on economic growth of eastern and western regions generally.


