ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Logistic Analysis on Factors of Buying Private Supplementary Medical Insurance in China

  • 摘要: 同等条件下城乡居民是否参加商业补充医疗保险主要受3个因素的影响,即商业补充医疗保险是否允许优先点名某一医务工作者提供服务;商业补充医疗保险是否支付基本医疗保险基金支付个人门诊费用后的自付部分;商业补充医疗保险承保人是否定期提供疾病预防、健康咨询、健康评估、健康教育等方面的信息。为了扩大商业补充医疗保险的覆盖面,需要商业补充医疗保险提供者和医疗服务机构密切合作以提供优惠、优先医疗服务;需要商业补充医疗保险提供者把费用报销的重点放在报销基本医疗保险基金支付个人门诊费用后的自付部分;需要商业补充医疗保险提供者积极为被保险人提供疾病预防等方面的健康促进活动。


    Abstract: The purchase of Private Supplementary Medical Insurance (PSMI) on the part of urban and rural residents are affected by three factors with other things being equal: whether the contract of PSMI permits the insured to select physicians to provide medical care in priority, whether PSMI withdraws the surplus outpatient fees after paying by the basic medical insurance and whether the insurer of PSMI provides information such as disease prevention, health consultation, health assessment and health education. In order to extend the coverage of PSMI, it is necessary to establish a close cooperation between the insurer of PSMI and medical organizations to provide privileged and prioritized medical care, to let the insurer of PSMI place the attention of withdraw of medical fees to the surplus outpatient fees after paying by the basic medical insurance, to let the insurer of PSMI provide the health promotion services such as disease prevention to the insured.


