ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Spatial Econometric Analysis of Financial Agglomeration and Urbanization of Jianghuai Urban

  • 摘要: 基于江淮城市群2002—2012年10个城市面板数据,构建金融集聚和人口城镇化相关的指标体系,通过计算金融集聚Moran's I得出江淮城市群具有空间正相关关系,并以此建立了金融集聚和人口城镇化空间滞后模型和空间误差模型。结果显示,江淮城市群金融集聚对人口城镇化发展有促进作用,且处于上升发展趋势。控制变量人口密度、二三产业从业人员比率对人口城镇化的发展有一定影响。


    Abstract: The present paper collects a database of 10 cities in Jianghuai urban agglomeration from 2002 to 2012 and constructs a target system of financial agglomeration, financial diffusion and urbanization of population. By conducting financial agglomeration, Moran's I argued that cities in Jianghuai urban agglomeration have a spatial positive correlation relationship. Based on this, Spatial Lag Model and Spatial Error Model were constructed. The results indicate that financial agglomeration of Jianghuai urban agglomeration has a positive effect on urbanization of population. Besides, the positive effects become more and more apparent. Density of population and employees work in secondary and tertiary industry, playing as control variables, have a strong influence on urbanization of population.


