ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 and State Responsibility for Civil Aviation Safety and Security

  • 摘要: 马航MH17航班被击落事件是人间悲剧,震惊世界,深受谴责。航空运输必须大力发展,保障空中航行安全是首要任务。航空器运行必须统一技术标准,空中交通必须统一规则,服从统一的空中交通管制。保障空中航行安全法规已成一定体系,保障空中航行安全技术措施成效显著,但应总结经验教训,进一步完善。国际社会是主权国家组成的社会。在国际航空关系中,主权国家发挥着重要作用。国际关系"法治化"已是大势所趋。应加强国际法治,凡违反强制性法律规范的不法行为,应承担国家责任,以杜绝民航飞机被击落悲剧的再次发生,切实保障空中航行安全。


    Abstract: The downed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 is a human tragedy. The top priority of air transport development is to ensure flight safety and security. There should be unified technical standard for aircraft operation and uniform rules for air traffic which should be subject to uniform air traffic control. Laws and regulations for air navigation safety and security have been established systematically. Still there are many things that need to be done. International society is composed of sovereign states. In the international aviation relations, sovereign states play an important role. The "legalization" of international relations has become a general trend. The international rule of law needs to be strengthened and any state who dares to violate peremptory norm of international law should bear state responsibilities in order to prevent the tragedy from happening again. Thus the safety and security of air navigation can be effectively safeguarded.


