ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Aviation Accident and Principle of Reliance in Criminal Law: A Case Study of the Air Crash of JAL Flight 123

  • 摘要: 在以不同主体间的分工合作为重要特征的航空领域中,行为人如果能合理地信赖其他分工合作者会在职责范围内采取防范危险的适当措置,基于刑法上信赖原则法理的适用,就不应承担对其他分工者职责范围内之事项的监督、检查义务,在后者违反信赖造成安全隐患,并引发航空责任事故时,行为人不能仅因没有发现、消除该安全隐患而承担过失刑事责任,即使该事故发生在行为人分担的业务过程中。信赖原则法理在航空责任事故中的适用,实质上是将防范航空安全风险的负担在相关业务主体间作了均衡的分配,有利于航空业效率的提高和航空安全水平的提升。在航空责任事故中信赖原则法理的适用,应当符合三个条件:业务分工体制的确立、其他分工者具备相应的资质和能力、不存在动摇信赖的特殊事由。


    Abstract: The practitioner in the aviation industry who can reasonably trust other cooperators in the division labor can be alleviated the duty of checking the latter's work according to the application of the principle of reliance. The principle of reliance in the aviation accident is a theoretic tool which distributes the burden of eliminating security risks in equilibrium distribution between the relevant parties, thus conducive to improving the efficiency and safety level of the aviation industry. Three conditions that the principle of reliance applies to aviation accidents are as follows: firstly the system of division of labor should be established, secondly other cooperating practitioner has corresponding qualification and ability, finally there is no special fact that shakes the actor's reliance.


