ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Local Experiment on the Official Property Declaration System

  • 摘要: 官员财产申报制度被誉为是腐败的"天敌"和"克星"。中国虽没有完全建立官员财产申报制度,但2009年以来已有30多个地区先后进行了形式各样的改革试验,积累了一定的地方经验:采取"新人新办法"这种"小切口"的进入方式,减少了改革阻力;以具体职务区分财产申报公示的主体,而非以行政级别作为划分依据,更加有效地发挥了财产申报制度的功效;差异化的公示方式,试图在官员财产公开和个人隐私保护方面寻求平衡;申报公示范围包括了债权债务,较为完整地体现了申报者的资产状况。这些地方制度创新尽管还有一定的局限性,但在一定程度上丰富了官员财产申报制度建设,为未来改革积累了经验。


    Abstract: The official property declaration system is known as the "natural enemy" and "jinx" of corruption. Although the official property declaration system has not yet been established in China, some kinds of official property declaration system have been carried out in more than 30 counties since 2009, which accumulated a certain amount of local experience. The official property declaration system is only applied to a few cadres being promoted, which would reduce the resistance to the reform. Subjects who should declare their property are distinguished according to their duty instead of administrative level, which makes the system more efficient. Different information is made public to different groups, which helps keep a balance between official property declaration and their right of privacy. The declaration should also include official's debt. Though there are still some limitations in the innovations of these local institutions, they have enriched the construction of the official property declaration and accumulated valuable experience for future reform.


