ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Competing Discourse on Farmland Red Line: Controversy and Its Implication in Sustainable Development

  • 摘要: 可持续发展已成为一种被普遍接纳的发展模式,但在具体的公共政策制定过程中,人们对于如何调整经济、社会、环境等各方面的关系、如何权衡不同目标的看法却强烈地受到认知框架和价值立场的影响,进而带来了可持续发展目标背后尖锐对立的政策争论。近年来引发社会热议的耕地红线问题就是一个典型的例子。从政策话语的视角,对耕地红线"存""废"两派的观点进行分析,讨论了政策争论背后关于证据、故事诠释和认知图景上的分歧,进而认为,在可持续发展的宗旨背后,政策制定者面临着来自社会价值多元化以及人类认知复杂性的挑战,而打破话语霸权、促进不同话语之间平等、理性的审议协商是弥合分歧、构建共识的重要途径。


    Abstract: The route towards sustainable development is much more controversial than the goal itself. Too often, people with different cognition and values cannot achieve consensus on "what the problem is" and "what should be done" in pursuit of a better sustainable development model. By using the debate on farmland red line in China as a typical example, this paper attempts to demonstrate how policy discourse competes with each other at different levels and how they shape people's thinking. In this case, either land-control discourse or land-utilized discourse has its own evidence, interpretations and epistemic figures that resist from the opponent's argument. The paper finally emphasizes the importance of democratic deliberation, which may play a crucial role in challenging discursive hegemony, creating arenas for communication and facilitating consensus building to realize effective environmental governance and sustainable development.


