ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Review of Domestic Studies on Milan Kundera in the 21st Century

  • 摘要: 米兰·昆德拉是最受中国读者喜爱的当代外国作家之一,他的作品也是学界长期关注的研究热点。从研究成果分析、研究视角述评和存在问题与建议几个方面对21世纪中国国内昆德拉研究情况进行述评,可以让研究者了解其研究发展的脉络与趋势,为今后的深入研究提供启示。


    Abstract: Milan Kundera is one of the most popular contemporary foreign writers in China. His works have been a research hot spot in academia for a long time. This article reviews the domestic studies on Kundera in the 21st century from the following three perspectives:analysis of study results, perspectives of studies as well as the problems and suggestions. This article enables researchers to understand the development and trend of domestic studies on Kundera, and it will also be useful for future research in this field.


