ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Postmodern Historical Writing Strategies of Alias Grace

  • 摘要: 加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德的小说《别名格雷斯》采用了多声部的叙事方式、互文性艺术,以及情节安排上的虚构性和不确定性等后现代主义历史书写手法,以讲故事的方式建构了19世纪中期加拿大女性的生活经历和受压迫的社会现实,使得被边缘化的女性获得了有效的话语权。作家试图在小说文本中还原个体经历中的历史真实,修正被主流历史改写和边缘化的女性群体的生存状态。小说的后现代主义历史书写策略体现了作家对于官方历史真实性的质疑,以及对于女性命运的深切关怀和对历史真实性的反思。


    Abstract: Alias Grace is one of Margaret Atwood's representative novels. This article tries to explore the techniques of post-modern historical writing that Atwood uses, multi-layer narrative structure and intertextuality, and fictionality and indeterminacy of the plot. In this novel, Atwood exposes the life experience of women and social reality of the oppressed, thus intending to let the silenced and marginalized women have the chance to articulate their voices. Drawing on historical facts, Atwood reassesses her deep concern of women's fate, her doubt of the official history, thereby offering her reflections on the authenticity of history.


