ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Canadian Nationalism and Daily Life in Alice Munro's Short Stories

  • 摘要: 加拿大作家爱丽丝·门罗的短篇小说着眼于以日常生活的细微之处和具体展现有关民族和国家的叙事,避开了民族身份的宏大叙事。她的作品把个人、地方和民族性交织在一起,通过现实主义的日常叙事,以平淡性、现实性和庸常性折射出加拿大苏格兰民族想象和历史联系。在叙事方式和技巧上,门罗借助口述、闲聊、传闻等非正式叙事形式,通过打乱时序、突出个体视角和非连续回忆强调日常叙事中的民族性体现,这体现出门罗独特的现实主义艺术特色。


    Abstract: Alice Munro's short stories delineate the Canadian social imaginary with a particular emphasis on realism combined with the particulars of daily life. The author approaches Canadianness through the local and the personal, reflecting the otherwise grand narratives of nation and history through her attention to banal life. This paper attempts to read Munro's construction of Canadian identity through her realism, orality, and narrative technique in view of providing a framework for understanding her faithfulness to realism in writing.


