ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Research on China Science and Technology Innovation Power

  • 摘要: 采用多元线性回归、岭回归、Lasso回归、人工神经网络和随机森林对中国科技创新的动力进行了对比分析。研究发现,在中国科技创新过程中,固定物力资本、人力资本、流动物力资本和制度因素都发挥了非常重要的作用。未来一段时期,中国应加强物力积累,强化人力储备,加大科技投入,锐意推动改革,增强中国的科技创新能力,推动中国经济平稳较快增长。


    Abstract: In this paper, we use multiple linear regression, ridge regression Lasso regression, artificial neural network and random forest to study the power of Chinese scientific and technological innovation. The study finds that fixed material factors, human factors, material flow factors and institutional factors have played very important roles in the process of technological innovation in China. China should strengthen material accumulation and human capital reserves, increase investments in technology, and promote reform, in order to enhance China's technological innovation and promote stable and rapid economic growth of China.


