ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Effect of Emotion on Working Stress Based on Eye Movement Experiment

  • 摘要: 采用问卷调查和眼动实验相结合的方法,对中航工业集团的中高层管理者的工作压力进行了研究,在评估管理者消极倾向的基础上,构建了管理者情绪与压力应对之间的关系。通过数据分析发现了管理者的情绪与年龄、工作年限和工作岗位之间的关系,即年龄介于41到45周岁的管理者具有最高的消极倾向,工作年限在7到10年的管理者消极倾向的均值最高,在不同的情绪状态下,管理者也将采用不同的压力应对方式。通过调研和实验得出的压力分析结果能够促进企业更好地理解管理者的工作压力,掌握不同情绪类型的管理者在压力来源和压力应对方面的差异,有利于人力资源管理部门建立早期预警机制。


    Abstract: The paper approaches the study of leadership stress by integrating the method of questionnaire survey and eye movement experiment. Evaluating the negative tendency of managers, the paper proposes the relationship among emotion, stress source and stress handling. According to the data analysis, managers aged 41 to 45 get the highest negative tendency. The participants who have been working from seven to ten years have the highest mean score of negative tendency. The negative index is different for the participants on various positions. The results from the stress analysis may help better understand the leadership work stress control and establish early warning mechanism.


