ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Regional Differences of Vegetable Production Efficiency and Classification of Vegetable Production in China: A Case Study of Open-ground Eggplant Production

  • 摘要: 在中国自然资源限制下,提高蔬菜生产效率对保障供给有十分重要的意义。针对中国25省(市)露地茄子生产效率,运用数据包络分析(DEA)、超效率DEA和逐步判别聚类法进行了分析,并根据生产特点将中国蔬菜生产省份划分为不同产区,研究发现:规模的不适度是制约中国大多数地区蔬菜发展的主要因素;西北地区蔬菜生产效率具有一定优势;从投入、产出和效率三个指标出发中国的蔬菜生产可以分为经济型低投高产、高投低产低效、产量型低投高产、低投高产高效、高投高产高效等五个产区,而针对不同产区的生产特点,蔬菜生产发展的重点应不同。


    Abstract: With limited agricultural resources in China, it is of great significance to improve the efficiency of vegetable production for the security of supply. This research takes open-ground eggplant production for an example to calculate and analyse the vegetable production efficiency of 25 provinces separately by Data Envelope Analysis (DEA), Supper Efficiency DEA and K-means. The conclusions are as follows:first of all, improper scale of production is the main factor that prevents development of vegetable production in most provinces; secondly, some provinces in northwestern China have the advantages over other areas in regard to production efficiency; thirdly, 25 provinces can be divided into 5 production areas considering the differences in input, output and efficiency and for different areas there should be different development strategies.


