ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Performance Evaluation and Implications of British "Gig Society" Policy

  • 摘要: 英国首相卡梅伦将"大社会"计划作为其破解英国社会经济发展困局的一剂良方,引发世界各国的广泛关注和学界的激烈争论。现有文献主要讨论"大社会"政策的缘起、内容和作用等主题,而未涉及"大社会"政策执行的绩效评估。综合利用英国政府官方公布的数据,全面评估五年来以"大社会"政策为中心的一系列项目活动的成效与不足,总体上看,英国政府未能较好地完成原定的核心预期目标,即授权社区、开放公共服务和社会行动,但也获得了一些积极效果和变化,如志愿组织韧性增强,精简公共机构与分权、盘活闲置资金等。总结英国"大社会"政策实施经验,可为中国在新常态背景下发展社会力量、增进公共服务提供一些新的启发。


    Abstract: Former British Prime Minister Cameron took "Big Society" program as a good way to break through the dilemma of social and economic development, which drew widespread attention and aroused academic debates around the world. The existing literature focuses on the origin, content and function of the "Big Society" policy, without considering the performance evaluation. By utilizing the British government's official data, this paper aims to comprehensively evaluate the performance of the projects of the "Big Society" policy in the past five years. Overall, the British government has not been able to complete the original core targets (i.e., empowering communities, opening up public services and social action). But there have been some positive effects and changes, such as enhancing resilience of voluntary organizations, streamlining and decentralization of public institutions and revitalizing the idle funds, etc. Summing up the UK experience of "Big Society" policy and its performance may provide some new inspirations for our developing social forces and enhancing public services against the "new normal" background.


