ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Erotic Poetics of John Berryman

  • 摘要: 美国自白派诗人约翰·贝里曼在诗歌创作中大胆建构以男性为中心、以感官享受为主的情欲世界,其情欲诗写不仅表现出自我分裂、性施虐等生命价值和人性本真的失落、挣扎,更蕴含了极为深湛的负罪感和自赎情结,这种负罪感来源于他对情欲体验的强烈渴望与内心宗教道德伦理之间的种种矛盾。在灵与肉的剧烈冲突中贝里曼患上了严重的抑郁症,向上帝忏悔却未能实现精神上的涅槃,最终自杀身亡。贝里曼情欲诗写中的自我情欲从压抑到萌芽再到爆发直至息止的变化,揭示了人类心灵中深邃、阴暗和错综复杂的欲望本质,亦为情欲泛滥的现代社会敲响了警钟。


    Abstract: The American confessional poet John Berryman audaciously constructs a male-dominated world of eroticism and sensuality in his poetry. His erotic poetics not only demonstrates the loss of life values such as self-split and sexual sadism, but also is embedded with a profound sense of guilt, which derives from the inner conflict between his intense desire for erotic experience and the deep-rooted religious creeds and moral codes. Berryman develops severe depression in the continuing conflict between the body and the soul. Unable to obtain salvation by confessing to God, he eventually commits suicide. Berryman's self-eroticism goes through the vicissitude from repression to explosion, and finally to cessation. His erotic poetics reveals the deep, dark, and convoluted desires in the human psyche while sounding the alarm for the erotically charged modern society.


