ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Social Security Policy of Disabled People in Taiwan of China

  • 摘要: 中国台湾地区身心障碍者保障制度是经过长期的历史发展和社会变迁后不断完善的产物,且在不同的历史时期呈现出不同的特点。历经多次调整与革新,中国台湾地区身心障碍者保障已经形成了自己独特的体系,在制度层面具有支持服务与照顾协助的架构相对完备、台北市与各市县伙伴关系和矛盾关系并存两大特点。数十年来,中国台湾地区的身心障碍者权益保障工作已经取得了一定的实践成果,但是其中也存在残补式福利、本土化与西化矛盾等诸多问题。中国台湾地区身心障碍者保障制度仍然面临困难与挑战。从中国台湾地区身心障碍者保障政策的发展历程以及现有体制中,中国大陆地区可以借鉴宝贵经验和可行政策,从而更好地建立和健全与中国现阶段经济发展水平相适应的具有中国特色的残疾人保障体系。


    Abstract: The social security system of the disabled people in Taiwan is a product of a long-term improvement and revolution, which presents different characteristics in different periods. After a large number of adjustments and innovations, a unique Taiwan security system of the disabled people has already taken shape, including relatively complete system for supporting service and care assistance, equal contradiction and cooperation between Taipei and other cities. With time goes by, Taiwan security system of the disabled people has already made some achievements. However, there are also some problems this system has to face, like supplementary welfare and contradiction between localization and westernization. For the Mainland, government can draw lessons from the welfare system of the disabled people in Taiwan, and thus to build a better welfare system of the disable people that adapting Chinese economy level and Chinese characteristics well.


