ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Influence of Grassland Ecological Protection Subsidy-award Policies on Breeding Scale in China: An Empirical Study Based on Provincial Panel Data

  • 摘要: 利用2004-2013年的省级面板数据,构建DID实证模型,重点研究草原生态保护补奖政策的实施对中国畜牧业养殖规模化的影响。结果表明:资源环境约束趋紧对传统的养殖方式形成巨大挑战,从传统散养向适度的规模化养殖过渡是未来畜牧业发展的必然趋势,国家从2011年开始实施的草原生态补奖政策对畜牧业养殖规模化的影响是显著的,随着该政策的持续推进和绩效考核机制的不断完善,畜牧业养殖的规模化程度呈逐年递增趋势,草原生态补奖政策的正面效应逐步凸显。中国畜牧业养殖规模化程度呈现明显的地区差异,西部地区显著高于东部地区。此外,劳动力平均受教育程度、人均农作物总播种面积、人均可利用草场面积、种畜场数量及技术人员人均服务出栏数量等变量对畜牧业规模化程度具有显著的正向影响,农林牧渔就业人数比重、各地区旱灾成灾面积对其具有显著的负向影响,而相关扶持政策和用于扩大再生产资金情况等变量虽然不显著,但对于这方面的关注有助于全面分析中国畜牧业养殖规模化的影响因素。


    Abstract: Based on provincial panel data from 2004 to 2013, this paper uses DID model (Difference-in-Difference Estimation) to study the impact of grassland ecological protection subsidy-award policies on breeding scale. The results show that the implement of the policies since 2011 has significant impact on breeding scale. With the policies going on, the degree of breeding scale is increasing year by year, which represents the positive effects of policies gradually. Meanwhile, the influence shows obvious regional differences. There exists an obvious regional distinction in breeding scale, and the rate of western areas is higher than eastern areas. Furthermore, factors such as average education level, crop planting area per-capita, pasture area per-capita, and pedigree station number have significant positive influence on breeding scale, whereas factors such as proportion of agriculture employment in total population and drought inundated area have prominent negative influence on breeding scale. Although, other variables such as relevant policies and fund aiding to reproduction expansion are not significant according to the regression outcome, paying attention to these helps fully understand the influencing factors of breeding scale in China.


