ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On State-owned Enterprise Welfare System Reform from the Viewpoint of Employee Satisfaction

  • 摘要: 中国国有企业员工通常享有较高水平的福利,然而这不一定能够带来理想的效果,特别是高水平福利并不意味着同等水平的员工福利满意度。从这个角度,可以量化地考察目前中国国有企业的福利状况,分析其特点和缺陷。国外学术界早已开发出了一些福利量表,可以在此基础上设计出新的福利量表,用以验证了中国国有企业福利满意度水平,结果发现中国国有企业员工福利制度存在一些问题:员工福利公平感较低,仍重"保障性福利";福利功能不足,未能充分考虑员工各种需求;福利能力欠缺,发展趋势缓慢;国企福利投入不菲,效果并不匹配。要改进国有企业员工福利制度,关键是要避免福利均等化,科学分担福利成本,提升福利功能和福利能力。


    Abstract: The employees in Chinese state-owned enterprises usually enjoy high-level staff welfare, which has not achieved the desired effects though. Especially, high-level staff welfare does not mean equivalent satisfaction. In this sense, it is feasible to investigate quantitatively the status of the staff welfare in Chinese state-owned enterprises and analyze its features and defects. A new welfare model is designed and improved in this paper to confirm that the employee welfare of state-owned enterprises in China is short of satisfaction. Its manifestations include low sense of fairness, low satisfaction with non-monetary welfares compared to that with monetary welfares, and low satisfaction with welfare capacities compared to that with welfare functions. To improve the welfare system in Chinese state-owned enterprises, it is essential that the equalization of welfare should be prevented, that the cost of welfare should be shared scientifically, and that the welfare capacities and welfare functions should be promoted.


