ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Research on Current Situations and Strategies for Full-time Professional Master's Professional Practice

  • 摘要: 充分的、高质量的专业实践是全日制专业硕士教育质量的重要保证,是促进全日制专业硕士掌握实践知识、提升专业实践能力、培养职业素养的有效途径。通过问卷调查发现,全日制专业硕士专业实践的重要性已形成共识,专业实践方法多样,实践内容兼具研究性与职业性,实践过程具有校内外导师合作指导,社会行业参与管理,专业实践评价与毕业考核紧密联系等特点,但同时存在实习实践机会来源和经费投入不足、实践环节管理不严格、校内外双导师制推行不力等主要问题。基于此,提出应健全法律法规,加大经费投入,加强实践基地建设,完善实践管理,制定实践制度等,以提高全日制专业硕士专业实践质量。


    Abstract: Adequate high-quality professional practice is an important guarantee to the full-time professional master education, an effectual way to help the students know well the practical knowledge, improve professional practice abilities and cultivate professional qualities. Through a questionnaire, the paper finds that the importance of professional practice has been a consensus; professional practice methods are various; the content of practice is both academic and professional; the course of practice features internal and external tutor cooperation, social participation in management, and professional practice evaluation related to the graduation examination. On the other hand, there are problems concerning the full-time professional master practice including lack of practice chances, insufficient funds for practice, and loose practice management. The study gives such suggestions as perfecting the relevant legal system construction, establishing the funds mechanism, strengthening the construction of practice bases, strengthening professional practice process management for improving the quality of professional practice.


