ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Evaluation of People's Congress Deputy-voter Contact: An Automated Content Analysis

  • 摘要: 鉴于直接访谈成本较高,代表议案建议文本是评估人大代表回应民意质量的有效替代途径。基于词分法的自动内容分析技术解决了该领域传统人工评估法面临的效率瓶颈,可以实现对大量案例的快速评估。通过增加词分词数量等方法,该技术的评估准确度还可以进一步提升。运用该方法的案例研究发现,市级人大代表对民意能够做出较为积极的回应。虽然其回应度高于先前对于省级人大及全国人大的同类研究结论,但代表与民众的接触和互动仍有待加强。


    Abstract: The article applies the "word score" method of automated content analysis to the study of the 'deputy proposals' submitted by N city People's Congress (PC) deputies. The aim is to evaluate the quality of deputy-voter contact. The data illustrates that local PC deputies actively responded to local people's opinions and demands; however, a lack of direct contact is also witnessed. Eventually, the study testifies the methodological availability in the study of PC related texts. The automated content analysis has massive advantages in reducing time and material costs, offering a brilliant chance for PC researchers to create a national wide database of deputy-voter contact.


