ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Empirical Study on Regulation Mechanism of Purchase of Service Contracting

  • 摘要: 政府向社会组织购买服务是政府转变政府职能与提供公共服务的新型方式。以石家庄和上海两地为研究对象,在比较研究的基础上,从购买主体、承接主体、使用主体和评估主体四个维度对政府向社会组织购买公共服务的监管机制进行了深入探讨。研究发现,政府购买服务虽在各地发展迅猛,但仍然存在监管权力分散和评估机构专业性差等一系列问题。研究指出,为促进政府购买服务的健康发展,急需加强监管机制的建设,明确监管的主体、内容和运行机制,建立多元主体监管体系、加强过程监管、完善评估机制。通过以上的制度约束和体系构建,完善政府监管力度,从而确保政府购买公共服务最终实现实体公正和程序正义。


    Abstract: Purchase of Service Contracting (POSC) is a new way of functional transformation and public service supply of the government. This paper examines the regulation mechanism of POSC based on the comparative research. The findings reveal that POSC in China is rapidly developing in terms of public policy and practice, at the same time, there is a lack of comprehensive consideration of purchasing assessment and supervision. The key point of the article is that in order to promote the effective development of the government POSC, it is urgent to strengthen the construction of regulation mechanism. Specifically make clear the main body and operation mechanism of evaluation and supervision, and the establishment of multi-agency system, to strengthen the process of regulation and improve the assessment mechanism.


