ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Shaping a Legal Framework for BeiDou Satellite Navigation System

  • 摘要: 北斗卫星导航系统已经开始向亚太地区提供服务,北斗系统的全球组网工作也在加紧进行,已经取得举世瞩目成就。然而,北斗系统在监管制度和法律体系等软实力建设方面的严重不足,极大制约着北斗系统建设、部署、运营以及应用研发和利用的下一步进展,不利于北斗在国内外的商业化推广。因此,提议为北斗构建综合性的法律体系,通过监管体制、认证制度、强制应用、所有权、运营模式、成本回收、国家主权、责任体系、数据和隐私保护等具体框架搭建,平衡北斗相关利益主体的权益,保障北斗的长期可持续发展。


    Abstract: As the service provision to Asia-Pacific region and the construction of global constellation are pushing forward step by step, the lack of soft power on governance and management over BeiDou Satellite Navigation System (BDS), including institutional, policy and legal arrangements, is clipping the wings of the deployment, development, exploration and application of BDS, and constraining its further popularization both at domestic and global level. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a comprehensive legal framework for BDS so as to lock the sustainable development of BDS and to balance the interests of all stakeholders in the value chain of BDS. Bearing that in mind, this paper offers the whole thinking of shaping that legal system based on the specific analyses on the legal regimes on the supervision mechanism, certification system, mandatory application, ownership, operation, cost of recovery, sovereign rights, liability regime, data and privacy protection as well as other legal issues in the context of BDS.


