ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Documents Office Automation of Public Utility and Its Innovation Management

  • 摘要: 公共部门管理必须依托有效的管理手段,公文管理承载着信息传递和政策支持的重要职能,在公共部门管理过程中尤为重要。研究作为公共部门代表之一的高校,其公文办公自动化也是管理创新的重要环节。以北京航空航天大学公文办公自动化为案例,基于系统结构、功能、流程创新探索研究,认为北航公文自动化系统已实现了公文管理实物流与信息流的统一,实现了资源、信息共享与协同,且在安全、保密制度建设方面值得借鉴。在"互联网+"时代,公共部门公文办公自动化系统应积极优化信息服务方式,倡导多元合作,协调资源配置,促进知识共享,推动公共部门创新管理。


    Abstract: Nowadays public management departments rely on effective management tools to optimize the information flow and provide better policy support. Office automation is also an important part of management innovation. This paper discusses the application of electronic document management system in Beihang University. Based on the analysis of its structure, function and work flow, the paper finds that Beihang University has achieved unity of physical flow and information flow, sharing and coordination of resources and information. The university also offers good experience in the field of security and confidentiality system. This paper suggests that the electronic document management system be adopted to optimize the information service and resources deployment, diversified collaboration and sharing of knowledge be encouraged and management innovation in the Internet era be promoted.


