ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


System of Legal Remedies of Digital Content Contract: From the Perspective of EU Proposal for a Directive Concerning the Supply of the Digital Content

  • 摘要: 欧盟为促进统一的欧洲数字化市场而颁布了《数字内容合同指令议案》(以下简称《议案》),对数字内容合同的适约性判断标准以及权利救济体系作出了较为全面的规定,救济体系包括补救履行、减价、赔偿损失和合同解除等措施。在数字内容提供者未能提供数字内容、提供的数字内容不适约以及在长期数字内容合同中,消费者均有可能获得解除权。《议案》对数字内容合同解除的法律后果也作出了规定。这些规定考虑了数字内容不同于其他有体物的特性,并为构建契合于数字内容特性和数字化时代的发展的合同规则作出了有益尝试,值得中国将来在数字内容的合同规则建构上予以借鉴。


    Abstract: In order to promote the single digital market, EU has announced the proposal for a directive concerning the supply of the digital content, which provides systematic rules as regards the conformity of the digital content and remedies for non-performance. The remedies include bringing the digital content into conformity, rights to reduction of the price, right to damages and right to termination. The consumer is entitled to the right to termination in case of failure to supply, lack of conformity with the contract and long term contracts. In addition, the proposal also regulates the legal consequence of termination. These rules take the distinctive features of the digital content into account and try to make the traditional rules of contract law adjustable to the digital content and digitalization, from which fruitful experience could be drawn.


