ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Influence Factors of Workers' Well-being in Social Enterprises

  • 摘要: 开发了社会企业工作者幸福感量表、收入满意度量表、志愿公益感量表以及能力提升度量表,实证研究结果显示,影响社会企业工作者幸福感的因素主要有志愿公益感、收入满意度和能力提升度,这三类因素对社会企业不同类型的工作者影响力不同。社会企业工作者中作为直接雇佣的员工的幸福感主要受能力提升度和志愿公益感影响,而同时兼具帮扶对象身份的社会企业工作者则更多是受收入满意度影响。在今后的社会发展中,社会企业要在保障好工作者的收入和福利同时建立自己的组织文化,同时国家层面也要尽快建立和健全关于社会企业的相关政策。


    Abstract: The research develops four scales for workers in social enterprises in the aspects of well-being, income satisfaction, voluntary sense and ability improvement. Results show that the main influencing factors include sense of volunteer and public welfare, income satisfaction and ability improvement level. These three factors have different powers among different kinds of workers in social enterprises. The well-being of employees is influenced by voluntary sense and degree of ability improvement, while the workers who are also aided people are influenced more by degree of income satisfaction. Social enterprise should improve their workers' income, set up enterprise culture, and the policies of social enterprises should also be formulated as soon as possible.


