ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Comparative Studies on the Image Poems of Guillaume Apollinaire and E.E.Cummings

  • 摘要: 20世纪早期,在先锋派艺术运动的影响下,法国诗人纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔和美国诗人E·E·卡明斯均创作过大量图像诗作品,二人作品中运用的拆解、重构和拼贴等手法明显受到当时立体主义绘画思潮的影响。图像诗需要调动读者两种不同的视觉机制,莱辛曾指出诗与画应当界限分明,但阿波利奈尔和卡明斯的图像诗并未因为图像思维的介入而流于简单的字符游戏,相反仍保留了相当高的文学价值,这主要得益于二人创作所借鉴的立体主义绘画本身就强调观者的阐释,具有阅读性,以及两位诗人的作品也并未放弃对诗歌音乐性和深度的追求,图像与诗歌在二人的创作中得到了完美融合。


    Abstract: Under the influence of the avant-garde art movement in the early years of 20th century, French poet Guillaume Apollinaire and American poet E.E. Cummings both created a large number of image poems.The techniques of dismantling, reconstructing, and collage used in their works were obviously influenced by the cubism. Image poetry needs to motivate two different visual mechanisms of the readers, Lessing once pointed out that poetry and painting should be clearly defined, but the works by Apollinaire and Cummings are not simple character games, on the contrary, their literary value is also very high, which is mainly due to two aspects:the cubism emphasize interpretation and the works of the two poets did not give up the pursuit of the musicality and depth of poetry.


