ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Community Co-governance Model: A Case Study of N Community in Chaoyang District of Beijing

  • 摘要: 以麦子店街道为代表的北京市朝阳区党政群共商共治基层社会治理新模式是中国社区治理创新成果的典型,通过2017年6月—2018年1月对麦子店街道N社区的4次实地调研,对该模式进行了深入研究。研究发现,搭建协商议事平台,打造多元主体队伍,科学选定议题,规范议事程序,构建共治机制是N社区突破传统治理模式困境,创建共商共治模式成功的关键。提出正确定位多元主体作用,树立规则意识,完善法制规约和运作机制是朝阳区共商共治实践的经验。


    Abstract: The development of model of the collaboration among the party, the government and the masses is a typical renovation catering for the social development, government reform and the exploring of cooperation between government and society. Based on the spot investigations for N Community, Maizidian street from June 2017 to January 2018, the paper concludes that building the consultation platform, creating multiple subject team, selecting science subjects, standardizing procedures and building work mechanism are key factors to success.


