ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Research on the Theoretical Logic and Implementation Mechanism of Xi Jinping's Rural Revitalization Strategy

  • 摘要: 习近平总书记针对农村发展过程中出现的"乡村病"挑战,提出以城乡居民平等权益为核心,以农民主动性为先导,全社会共同支撑的乡村振兴系列论述。这些论述不但内部理论逻辑完整,而且具有系统的实施机制。习近平乡村振兴论述所遵循的理论逻辑在于继承并发展了马克思主义城乡关系理论,准确研判了中国当前乡村改革发展的国际、国内形势,明确了实现城乡居民共同富裕的价值取向。在乡村振兴的具体实施方面,需要注意构建异质化制度变迁主体的保护与协调机制、内外动力机制及典型风险防范机制。


    Abstract: The Rural Revitalization Strategy tries to solve the current challenge of "rural diseases". This strategy advocates the protection of equal rights and interests of urban and rural residents. It should encourage farmers initiative and social participation. This strategy is not only the inheritance, reflection and promotion of China's rural reform theory and practice, but also the new development of Marx's theory of urban-rural relations. In the process of practice, we should pay attention to constructing the protection and coordination mechanism of the institutional change main body, internal and external driving mechanism and typical risk prevention mechanism.


