ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Algorithm Liability in Electronic Commerce Law and Its Improvement

  • 摘要: 《电子商务法》首次明确了网络交易平台设计、部署和应用的算法责任,包括网络平台的搜索算法明示义务、搜索算法自然结果的提供义务及推荐和定价算法的消费者保护义务。毫无疑问,网络平台的算法责任具有时代进步性,既体现了立法者对算法地位和作用的合理认知,也转化结果监管为事前监管思路,但同时也在一定程度上存在措施过于具体化、实践操作困难等局限。平台的算法责任内核在于对网络交易平台与消费者之间悬殊权力的纠偏制度,因此应本着矫正合同双方地位差距的思路,在意思自治与公平原则的指导下,从网络平台不当应用算法的行为认定、消费者激励制度与建立算法问责制等方面进行改进。


    Abstract: The new Electronic Commerce Law clarifies the algorithm liability of platform designing, deploying and using algorithms, which includes the obligation of implication, supply of the un-customized searching result, and protection of customers in recommendation and search algorithms. The algorithm liability is making a progress in algorithm's status and role. However, it inevitably shows limitation on practical challenges. The core of algorithm liability should balance the wide gap of powers between platforms and customers. There are some steps to improve the algorithm liability.


