ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Conception of Intercultural Communication Learning of University Students in Western China

  • 摘要: 跨文化交际学习观可以体现出学习者对于跨文化交际学习的态度,也能够反映出其在跨文化交际学习过程中的认知和策略的使用。因此,了解中国西部大学生的跨文化交际学习观不仅可以反映其跨文化能力现状,还可以为跨文化交际教学提供一定的理论支撑。通过问卷调查收集数据、探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,表明大学生跨文化交际学习观包括记忆、考试、训练、增长知识、应用与实践、母语影响、拓展视野七个因子。独立样本T检验结果进一步显示,中国西部大学生中女生比男生更注重跨文化交际学习过程中的训练、增长知识以及帮助自身拓展视野;而不同专业及出国经历并未对西部大学生的跨文化交际学习观造成显著差异,这与当下跨文化交际能力培养不系统有着主要关系;同时,由于西部地区地理及经济因素限制,西部大学生出国机会较少且一般出境时间短,因此出国经历不会对跨文化交际学习观产生显著影响。


    Abstract: The conception of intercultural communication can reflect the attitude, cognition as well as the strategies the learners used in their learning process. Therefore, understanding the conception of intercultural communication of Chinese western university students can find the students' Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) and provide reference for the intercultural communication teaching. This paper firstly uses the questionnaire to collect data, then carries out exploratory factor analysis and confirmed factor analysis. The results show college students' conception of intercultural communication include seven factors: memorizing, testing, drilling and practicing, increasing knowledge, mother language, application and communication, and broadening views. It is also revealed that female students outperform male students in the three factors, like drilling and practicing, increasing knowledge and broadening views through independent sample T test. In addition, there is no significant correlation between college students' conception of intercultural communication learning and their major and overseas experience.


