ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Research on Realization Mechanism to the National Pooling of Urban Employees' Basic Pension

  • 摘要: 养老保险的地区碎片化导致缴费负担不统一,影响地区经济均衡发展,且不利于实现降费率目标和促进基金收支平衡,养老保险全国统筹需求愈发凸显。城镇职工养老保险全国统筹面临央地筹资博弈、低缴费率地区统筹意愿低、高收入地区养老金给付水平下降和中央财政补贴风险等诸多制约因素。为此,提出养老保险降费率、夯实缴费基数与全国统筹联动,全国统筹基础养老金"二账户",强化中央财政补贴责任和构建垂直管理体制等全国统筹实现机制。


    Abstract: The regional fragmentation of urban employees' pension leads to unified contribution cost burden, which will affect the balanced development of region economy, and is not conducive to realize the goal of reducing rate and promote the fund balance between contribution and payment, the demand of realizing national pooling is prominent increasingly. The national pooling is facing to restricting factors, including the contribution game between central government and local government, low will of low contribution rate region, reducing of pension payment for high income region, the central financial subsidies risk. The paper proposes such realization mechanism, including the linkage for reducing contribution rate, tamping contribution base and the national pooling, basic pension "two accounts", improving central financial subsidies and building a vertical management system


