ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Motivation System of Dispatched Personnel from Universities: Taking Beihang University as an Example

  • 摘要: 当前中国高校基于优势学科与相关产业发达的异地地方政府开展校地合作,建立实体化异地合作平台,是促进产教融合、服务地方经济社会发展、扎根中国大地建设"双一流"的重要途径之一。高校外派的管理岗职员是合作的重要纽带和决定性因素。一项针对北京航空航天大学管理岗职员的调研发现,外派意愿与对高校的校地合作事业了解程度呈正相关关系,"个人发展""收入水平""生活保障"和"外派地点"依次是管理岗职员外派时权重由高到低的决策因素。因此,建议高校通过提升管理岗职员对校地合作事业的认知程度,建立健全覆盖职业发展、薪酬待遇、生活保障等多维度的综合激励机制与政策,实施人文关怀计划,激发管理岗职员参与校地合作事业的意愿。


    Abstract: Based on superior disciplines, Chinese universities presently coordinate with government with developed industries and construct coordination platform. These activities play an important role in promoting "Coordination Between Industry and Education", serving regional economy, as well as supporting "Double First-Class Initiative". In the process of University & Government Coordination, dispatched personnel are the important connection between university and regional government. Based on a survey among personnel in Beihang University, the results are:The expatriate willingness and UGC recognition degree have positive correlation. The influence factors of expatriate decision are career development, salary gains, security system and job location. It is suggested that the university should enhance the IGC understanding, improve the social security system, as well as implement humanistic care plan, in order to stimulate personnel's expatriate willingness.


