ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Charm of Classical Humanity: Contemplation Before Rembrandt's Self-Portraits

  • 摘要: 在人类绘画史上,除了伦勃朗,没有一个画家是如此持续毕生地来描绘自己。研究伦勃朗的学者考证伦勃朗的自画像有100幅左右,其中约50幅是油画。伦勃朗为什么要画这么多自画像?并且,伦勃朗一生基本上没有留下什么文字,很少的几封书信,更没有什么传记,他也没有像米开朗基罗这样的人有家族传承人。他的一切都是通过他的绘画。关于他本人,就是通过他的自画像得以揭示和展现的。


    Abstract: In the history of painting, there is no artist who constantly depicts himself in life time except Rembrandt. As the scholars who study Rembrandt tested, there are almost 100 Rembrandt's self-portraits, among which 50 paintings are oil paintings. Why Rembrandt draw so many self-portraits? Besides that, Rembrandt have not left much writings for the whole life. There is little letters and biographies. And he does not have any family inheritors like Michelangelo does. All about him is presented through his paintings. And all about himself is revealed and presented through his self-portraits.


