ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Cultural Confidence: Historical Context and Internal Logic with a Discussion on Chinese Cultural Narrative Since 1949

  • 摘要: "文化自信"是理解和把握当代中国文化建设的核心命题,有其特殊的历史语境和内在理路。这一命题的提出,将中华优秀传统文化、革命文化和社会主义先进文化纳入到了同一个叙事框架之中。这种处理一方面是力图从主流意识形态的角度弥缝中国文化叙事中的"古今之争",从而恢复主流话语里的"中国"本应具有的历史整体性;另一方面也是对当代中国文化格局的一种理论整合,旨在谋求文化叙事上的最大公约数,进而重塑中国文化新秩序。


    Abstract: The conception of cultural Confidence is a key to understand the construction of contemporary Chinese culture. It incorporates excellent Chinese traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture into one framework of cultural narrative. The incorporation aims to settle "the quarrel of the ancients and the moderns" on Chinese culture narrative from the standpoint of the mainstream ideology, which would help "China" regain the integrity of history. On this basis, it is also an attempt to theoretically integrate the heterogeneous elements of contemporary Chinese culture, so as to find the greatest common divisor on cultural narrative.


