ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Current Situation, Legal Issues and Relevant Space Legislation of China's International Cooperation in Space

  • 摘要: 中国的航天国际合作自改革开放以来取得了巨大的进展,但也暴露出许多问题,尤其是管理体制和规则上的问题。航天国际合作在国际上有联合国关于外空条约和联大决议做出了原则性规定,在中国国内也有一些政策性规定和零散的法律规定。为了进一步规范和推动中国的航天国际合作,应当在《航天法》中以专章形式对其加以规定。主要应从明确中国开展航天国际合作的基本立场、明确航天国际合作的管理体制、建立部际协调机制、航天国际合作中长期规划的制定、航天国际合作的统筹管理、宇航产品的技术合作与进出口管控几方面加以规定。


    Abstract: China's international cooperation in space has made great progress since the reform and opening up, however, it has also derived alot of problems, especially at the level of the administrative system and regulations. The United Nations space treaties and the UN General Assembly resolutions provide basic principles on the international cooperation in space. China also issued some policy provisions and promulgated scattered laws and regulations on international cooperation in space. In order to further regulate and promote China's international cooperation in space, the proposed "Space Activities Act" should provide the relevant contents of international cooperation in the form of a special chapter. It should mainly clarify the basic position of China on international cooperation in space, clarify the administrative system of international cooperation in space, establish inter-ministerial coordination mechanism, formulate medium and long-term planning for international cooperation, co-ordinate management of international cooperation, as well as relax the technical cooperation and import&export control on aerospace products and technologies.


