ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Reflection on Humanistic Connotation of Engineering Practices

  • 摘要: 从哲学层面,透视工程实践的人文意蕴,从工程根植于人的超越性、工程聚合了人类利益关系、工程昭示着人的有限性、工程推动着人类的新进化四个方面论证了"工程就是人文"的基本论断。论证表明,工程具有人文属性,工程的本质就是人文;人文不是外在于工程的副现象,而是内在于工程并规定着工程的本质属性。


    Abstract: From the perspective of philosophy, this paper explores the humanistic implications of engineering practices and demonstrates the basic assertion that "engineering is humanity". It shows that the engineering practice has humanistic attribute, and the essence of engineering practice is humanity. Humanity is not a side phenomenon of the engineering practice, but the integral part and defining nature of it. The argument is carried out from four aspects:engineering is rooted in the transcendence of human beings; it integrates the interests of stakeholders; it indicates the limitation of human beings; and it promotes the new evolution of human beings.


