ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Chinese Classics: A Discipline System Inheriting Traditional Culture

  • 摘要: "国学"概念具有丰富的内涵。国学的研究对象是传统学问,但从教学与研究体系看,它又是一门新兴的学科,是对现有文、史、哲为主体的人文学科建制的有益补充。一方面,在学科建制上,表现为对现代学科体制的检讨和反省;另一方面,在价值选择上,重视对传统积极质素的继承弘扬。国学教育注重经典研读,主张知识与价值并重的特质,使之成为大学人文教育的有效载体,其效用不仅限于人文学科的专业培养,而且对于当代大学教育中与文化传承、人格涵育等相关的人文通识教育具有积极的辐射作用。


    Abstract: "Chinese Classics" has rich connotation as a modern discipline. While the research objects are traditional, the teaching methods and research system of Chinese Classics are rather new and modern as a positive supplement of the humanities mainly based on the discipline of Literature, History and Philosophy. Firstly, it reflects the problem of suitability of modern discipline system applied in Chinese classical study. Secondly, it focuses on advancing and enriching the positive parts of Chinese tradition rather than criticizing the negative parts. As for the teaching methods, Chinese Classic courses pay much attention to the study of classic works and emphasize on the balance between knowledge and value, which makes it a suitable carrier of liberal arts education that can have great influence not only in professional learning of humanities but also the liberal education with the purpose of culture inheritance and personality cultivation.


