ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Administrative Mediation in Juvenile Justice in China

  • 摘要: 少年司法具有与其他诉讼不同的理念与原则,其特殊性决定了少年司法更需要以调解为主的多元化纠纷解决机制。行政调解是行政机关参与少年司法的重要方式,相对人民调解和法院调解具有专业性、权威性和持久性的优势。涉少刑事案件的刑事和解制度中公安机关主持和解具有优势,涉少民事案件中行政机关调解更有利于解决纠纷。中国目前少年司法体系中对行政调解的功能关注不够,限制了行政资源优势在少年司法中的发挥,因而有必要在当前少年司法审判模式下建立少年纠纷行政调解中心,整合区域行政资源,汇聚行政调解专业人才,与法院建立紧密合作关系,接受法院委托深度参与各类案件的调解工作,同时也在司法体系之外更好地发挥行政调解维护未成年人权益的功能。


    Abstract: Juvenile cases have different ideas and principles from other cases. The juvenile justice is so special that it needs a multi-disciplinary dispute resolution mechanism. Administrative mediation is an important way for administrative agencies to participate in juvenile justice. Compared with the people's mediation and judicial mediation system, it is more professional, authoritative, and durable. In the criminal reconciliation legal system involving juvenile cases, policeman has the advantage of reaching a consensus. Mediation by civil servants involving juvenile civil cases can facilitate dispute resolution. China's current juvenile justice system does not pay enough attention to the function of administrative mediation. It is necessary to establish an administrative mediation center for disputes with juvenile cases under current juvenile justice system, integrate local administrative resources, converge excellent mediators, establish close relationships with the court, participate in the mediation of various juvenile cases send by the court, and also play a more active role in protecting the rights of minors outside the judicial system.


