ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Intelligent Supervision: Value, Logic and Reflection

  • 摘要: 人工智能在监察工作中具有独特优势和良好发展前景,促进人工智能和监察工作的深度融合势在必行。人工智能技术的引入,为监察领域带来新的变革,即推动"孤岛式"监察走向开放式数据共享,由样本式监察转为全景还原式监察,由结果监察转为过程监督与预警,由粗放式问责走向无缝化监管。智能监察要求实现监察要素数据化、监察过程算法化和监察结果预见化。然而,智能监察还面临"数字陷阱"的羁绊、伦理反思的缺位、制度保障的匮乏、智能技术应用的零散浅层化、智能专业人才的稀缺等问题。因此,为规避"技术利维坦"的风险,智能监察需要从技术归化、人机共智、开发规划、人才建设等方面寻求破解之道。


    Abstract: Artificial intelligence has unique advantages and good prospects in discipline inspection and supervision, so it is imperative to promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence and surveillance. The introduction of artificial intelligence technology has brought new changes to the field of supervision which promote "isolated island" supervision to open data sharing, accelerate the sample-based supervision to the panoramic reduction of supervision, stimulate the result supervision to process supervision and early warning, and foster extensive accountability to seamless supervision. Intelligent supervision requires data-based supervision elements, algorithmic supervision process and predictable supervision results. However, intelligent supervision still faces the fetters of "digital trap", the absence of ethical reflection, the lack of system guarantee, the scattered application of intelligent technology, and the scarcity of intelligent professionals. Therefore, in order to avoid the risk of "technology Leviathan", intelligent supervision needs to seek solutions from the aspects of technology domestication, human-computer intelligence, development planning, and talent construction and so on.


