ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


China Social Mobilization in the Prevention and Control of Major Epidemic Diseases: Experience, Challenges and Inspirations

  • 摘要: 社会动员是凝聚共识、促进社会参与的重要方式。社会动员形态随着不同历史阶段社会特点和主要任务的变化发生变迁。在新冠肺炎疫情防控中社会动员起到重要作用。中国共产党的集中统一领导,把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在首位的价值取向,积极宣传和舆论引导,紧紧依靠人民群众,依法防控是这场动员得以有效的基本经验。同时,此次疫情防控也集中显现了社会动员面临的挑战:社会组织的主动社会动员机制还不完善,对动员者权威性要求更高,流言谣言易借助互联网弥散社会动员方向。因此,应顺应社会发展要求,在国家治理体系和治理能力现代化面向下,着力从推进党和政府为主导、人民群众为主体的动员主体双向互动,坚持以社会主义核心价值观作为凝聚共识的"最大公约数",将社会动员置于法治框架下良序运行三方面着力优化动员形态。


    Abstract: Social mobilization is an important way to build consensus and promote social participation. The form of social mobilization changes with the changes of social characteristics and main tasks in different historical stages. Social mobilization plays an important role in the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic. The key elements for the effective mobilization of this disease are: the Party's centralized and unified leadership, the value orientation of putting the safety of people's lives and health first, active publicity and public opinion guidance, close reliance on the people, and prevention and control in accordance with the law. The outbreak also highlights challenges facing current social mobilization: active social participation by social organizations is developed but immature; the demands on the authority of mobilizers have become higher; rumors are easy to spread and change the direction of social mobilization with the help of the Internet. Therefore, under the background of modernization of national governance system and governance capacity, it is necessary to promote interaction between the Party and the government in social mobilization with the people as the main body, it is also necessary to take core socialist values as the greatest common denominator for building consensus and put social mobilization under the framework of the rule of law.


