ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Zhu Xi's Procedure of Annotating the Four Books

  • 摘要: 朱熹通过诠释圣贤经典建构自己的理论体系,其于《四书》用力尤深。《四书章句集注》的成书耗时多年,朱熹于《论语》《孟子》四十余年理会,至去世前几日仍在序定《大学章句》。朱熹对《四书》的理解受二程影响甚深,二程之学的核心概念"天理"被朱熹吸收运用到对《四书》的注解中。《四书》中直接阐明先圣先贤的价值准则,故而相比于六经的包罗万象、难于掌握,学者为学应先读《四书》,后及于六经。


    Abstract: Zhu Xi constructed his theory system through annotating classics, particularly the Four Books. The completion of the Four Books with Collected Commentaries lasted for many years. Zhu Xi spent more than 40 years finishing the Analects and Mencius and were still revising the Great Learning until his death. Zhu Xi's explanation for the Four Books was affected by Cheng brothers' concept of the principle of heaven (tianli). The Four Books illuminated sages' values and rules. Compared with the Six Classics that contained many aspects of Chinese culture and were difficult to comprehend, the Four Books should be the beginning for scholars to learn classics.


