ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Crime of Endangering Flight Safety by Violence in the Course of History

  • 摘要: 暴力危及飞行安全罪是中国民用航空行政立法率先接轨国际公约、刑事立法附随跟进的历史产物。自1997年新增该罪名以来,刑法教义学层面对暴力行为的精细界分及准抽象危险犯等概念的提倡,均难以解释为何该罪在司法实践中的适用率几乎为零。问题症结或在于,危及飞行安全罪缺乏可以证明的具体标准,进而导致诸多危害行为适用其他罪名或被降格为行政处罚。为此,建议应结合民航航空运输实践与航空安全保卫趋势,科学评估并确立"危及飞行安全"内涵及其指标体系,待条件成熟时应出台"造成严重后果"相关情状的司法解释。


    Abstract: The crime of endangering flight safety by violence is the historical product of China's civil aviation administrative legislation taking the lead in conforming to the international conventions and the criminal legislation. Since the crime was established in 1997, it has been difficult to explain why the application rate of this crime is almost zero in the judicial practice, even though the fine division of violent behavior and the concepts like "quasi-abstract potential damage offense" are advocated from the perspective of criminal law hermeneutics. The crux of the problem may lie in the lack of specific provable standards for the crime of endangering flight safety, thus leading to the problem that many harmful acts are subject to other crimes or reduced to administrative punishment. Therefore, it is suggested that the connotation and the index system of "endangering flight safety" should be scientifically evaluated and established based on the practice of civil aviation transportation and the trend of aviation security, and the judicial interpretation of "causing serious consequences" should be issued when conditions are ripe.


