ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Type Study on Grounding Liability of Civil Aircraft: Taking Grounded Events Caused by Ethiopian Air Crash in 2019 as Starting Point

  • 摘要: 由航空产品缺陷引发的民用航空器停飞,包括基于政府民航主管机构行政命令的被动停飞、航空公司行业自律的主动停飞以及因航空公司不符合当事国强制标准的被动停飞三种类型。停飞类型不同,责任主体和损害赔偿也不尽相同。民用航空器停飞对中国突发事件应急管理体制建设和航空法治体系完善影响巨大。中国应加强适航管理,严格规范适航标准和适航审定程序,建立并固化航空安全监管机制,增强国家、航空企业各层级全范围应对突发危机事件的处理能力,制定风险防控预案,完善适航法规体系和停飞责任保险机制。


    Abstract: The grounding of civil aircraft mainly attributes to aviation product defects. The categories of grounding can be divided into three major forms based on the following reasons: government's safety supervision, choices made by airlines considering industry self-regulation, and the prohibition of countries concerned for airlines' unconformity of their mandatory standards. Different types of grounding are subject to different subjects and bases of liability. The grounding of civil aircraft would definitely have significant influence on China's emergency response mechanism and the improvement of the aviation legal system. Therefore, China should strengthen airworthiness management, strictly standardize airworthiness standards and the procedures of airworthiness certification, initiate and establish the system of aviation safety supervision, enhance the risk handling capacities both at national, corporate and all other levels, formulate risk prevention and control plans, improve the airworthiness regulation system and the grounding liability insurance.


