ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Regulation of Standard Essential Patent from the Perspective of EU Competition Law

  • 摘要: 标准必要专利问题高度复杂,与之相关的全球专利诉讼日趋激烈。欧盟发挥竞争法传统优势和高度有效的执行机制,在欧盟委员会、欧盟法院及成员国司法与反垄断执法机构的共同探索下形成了一条以竞争法规制为主的欧盟路径。通过确立和在个案中适用反垄断抗辩机制,有效平衡了专利权人和标准实施者之间的利益冲突。近年来以Unwired Planet诉华为案等为代表的司法实践反映出了欧盟竞争法规制路径的局限性,需要欧盟积极回应,以实现对利益平衡的保护和对市场公平竞争的维护。


    Abstract: Standard-essential patent issues are highly complex, and the related global patent litigation is becoming increasingly fierce. Taking advantage of the traditional advantages of competition law and a highly effective enforcement mechanism, the European Union has formed an EU path based on competition laws and regulations under the joint exploration of the European Commission, the European Court of Justice and the judicial and anti-monopoly enforcement agencies of member states. By establishing and applying an antitrust defense mechanism in individual cases, the conflict of interest between the patentee and the standard implementer is effectively balanced. In recent years, judicial practice represented by the Unwired Planet v. Huawei cases has reflected the limitations of the EU competition law and regulation path, and requires the EU to respond actively to achieve the balance of interests and the maintenance of fair market competition.


