Construction of Intellectual Property Protection Mechanism of China-Africa Space Trade
摘要: 随着"一带一路"倡议在非洲不断推进, "一带一路"空间信息走廊向非洲延伸, 为中非航天贸易的进一步发展提供了重要契机。中非航天贸易已经从单向型贸易向共建共研型贸易阶段发展, 技术转让中的专利授权与许可以及多元主体参与航天贸易带来的权属关系的复杂化, 对健全的知识产权保护提出了迫切需求。欧美在航天领域针对中国与非洲国家的专利封锁, 使得构建适用中非双方的航天贸易知识产权保护机制成为应由之路。为此, 应立足中国与非洲国家现有航天相关知识产权立法, 健全航天知识产权保护的专门性规定, 保护私营主体在航天贸易中的知识产权利益, 明确国家介入权行使的范围和条件。同时, 应在双边贸易协定中直接规制航天贸易中的知识产权保护, 并在非洲地区性知识产权组织框架下加强与组织成员的开放多边谈判, 利用地区性知识产权组织的一体化优势构建航天知识产权保护的多边机制。Abstract: The continuous advancement of the "Belt and Road" initiative in Africa and the extension of the "Belt and Road" space information corridor to Africa have provided an important opportunity for the further development of China-Africa space trade. China-Africa space trade has developed from a one-way trade to a co-construction and joint research trade stage. Patent authorization and licensing in technology transfer and the complexity of ownership relations brought about by the participation of multiple entities in space trade have made it urgently needed to develop a sound system of intellectual property protection. The European and American patent blockades against China and African countries in the space sector have made it the only way to strengthen China-Africa bilateral direct cooperation and build a space trade intellectual property protection mechanism that applies to both China and Africa. On the basis of existing space-related intellectual property legislation in China and African countries, we should improve the special regulations for the protection of space intellectual property rights, protect the intellectual property rights of private entities in the space trade, and clarify the scope and conditions for the exercise of state intervention rights. At the same time, we should directly regulate the protection of intellectual property rights in space trade in bilateral trade agreements, strengthen open multilateral negotiations with members of the African regional intellectual property organization under the framework of regional intellectual property organizations, and use the advantages of regional integration of intellectual property organizations to build the multilateral mechanism for space intellectual property protection.