ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

长期护理制度的发展模式探析: 以荷兰、北欧和英国为例

Long-term Care System Models: A Review of the Netherlands, Northern Europe and the United Kingdom

  • 摘要: 长期护理制度有三种模式:社会保险模式、普遍主义模式和经济审查模式,这三种模式的典型分别是荷兰、北欧和英国。荷兰于1968年建立强制性的长期护理保险计划。北欧国家基于中央和地方税收资助的公共系统提供普遍的长期护理服务。英国为低收入人群提供基于经济状况调查的长期护理服务。通过分析发现,这三种模式都出现融资压力大等问题,三者在组织和提供服务方面形成了相似的改革趋势,以促进长期护理制度的可持续性发展。


    Abstract: There are three long-term care models: social insurance model, universal model and means tested model, which can be represented by the Netherlands, Northern Europe and the United Kingdom. The Netherlands established a mandatory long-term care insurance plan in 1968; the Nordic countries provide universal long-term care services based on a public system funded by central and local taxation; the United Kingdom provides long-term care services for low-income groups based on means surveys. Through analysis, it is found that all three models have the problem of high financing pressure, and they are converging on quite similar trend on organizing and providing long-term care services to promote the sustainability of long-term care system.


