The historical dialectics of Marx’s labor theory of value profoundly reveals that the alienation of labor leads to the alienation of value (capital relationship). Taking value as a clue, Marx interpreted the phenomenon of “value-abstract labor” in bourgeois society with historical dialectics, and expounded that the essence of labor has been advanced, restored, and reconstructed historically through the positive sublation of alienation. That is, in the “social form of economy”, it shows the characteristics and trends of “use value-concrete labor-oriented society”, “value-abstract labor-oriented society”, and “use value-concrete labor-confirmed society”. The construction of the labor object relationship of “use value-concrete labor” is the historical direction of developing and confirming the nature of labor to realize free and comprehensive development of human beings. Currently, reexamining Marx’s labor theory of value from the perspective of historical dialectics is of great theoretical significance for the construction of China’s current socialist market economy.