ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Implication and Realization of Value Guidance in College Students' Labor Education

  • 摘要: 劳动教育是促进大学生主动建构自我、明确社会角色和定位价值坐标的有效手段。但当前部分高校对大学生劳动价值引领的自觉意识尚有不足,导致部分大学生在劳动实践中出现功利主义倾向,仅注重劳动技能培养而忽视劳动精神培育,对劳动教育的价值认知模糊。对此,应提高大学生对劳动教育的思想认识,增强大学生日常生活中对劳动的价值性与教育性的认识,强化专业实践教学的思想教育力量,形成多方主体协同的劳动教育格局,以更好地实现大学生劳动教育价值的引领意蕴。


    Abstract: Labor education is an effective means to motivate college students to actively construct themselves, define their social roles and establish their value coordinates. However, at present, some colleges and universities haven't not fully realized the value guidance of college students' labor education. As a result, some college students tend to be utilitarian in labor practice, valuing the cultivation of labor skills over that of labor spirit, and having a vague understanding of the value of labor education. In this regard, it is necessary to enhance college students' ideological understanding of labor education, and their recognition of the value and educational of labor in their daily life. In addition, it is also essential to strengthen the value of ideological education inpractice-involved teaching, and form a labor education pattern with multi-subject coordination. In this way, the implication of value guidance in college students' labor education can be better realized.


