ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Legal System Reconstruction of Market Access of General Aviation

  • 摘要: 通用航空产业的发展水平是一个国家综合竞争力的体现。多年以来,市场准入法律制度一直是制约中国通用航空产业发展的关键性因素之一。近年来,随着一系列文件的颁布,通用航空的分类发生了改变,但仍存在法律体系的不统一、立法与实践相脱节等问题。因此,有必要在新的通用航空分类的基础上,在行政许可和市场规制理论的指导下,对目前中国通用航空市场准入法律制度进行重新梳理和构建。


    Abstract: The development of general aviation industry reflects a country 's comprehensive competitiveness. For many years, the legal system of market access has been one of the key factors that restrict the development of China 's general aviation industry. In recent years, with the promulgation of a series of documents, the types of general aviation activities have changed, but there are still some problems, such as the inconsistency of the legal system and the disconnection between legislation and practice. Therefore, it is necessary to reorganize and reconstruct the current legal system of market access of general aviation in China under the guidance of administrative licensing and the theory of market regulation and on the basis of the new classification of general aviation activities.


